Cited by
1. Fitting and Evaluating Taper Functions to Predict Upper Stem Diameter of Planted Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) in Eastern and Central Regions of Nepal
2. MultiProduct Optimization of Cedrelinga cateniformis (Ducke) Ducke in Different Plantation Systems in the Peruvian Amazon
3. A new sampling strategy for estimating stand volumes with portable Lidar data
4. Regional differences in stem form between southern and northern red spruce (
Picea rubens
Sarg.) populations
5. Taper functions to predict the upper stem diameter of Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii) in the mid-hills of Nepal
6. Developing Stem Volume Table of Pinus thunbergii Parl. in Southern Region Based on Comparison of Major Taper Equations
7. Ecuaciones de volumen fustal-total y ahusamiento para especies maderables del ecosistema templado en Puebla, México
9. Stochastic FE analysis of stress concentrations in curved glulam beams due to the uncertainty of material direction
10. Predicting the upper stem diameters and volume of a tropical dominant tree species
11. Form and Volume of the Stem of Tectona grandis L.f. in the Central-WESTERN Region of Brazil
12. Antalya-Gebiz Yöresi Kızılçam Meşcereleri için Uyumlu Gövde Hacmi ve Gövde Çapı Modelleri
13. Taper and individual tree volume equations of Eucalyptus varieties under contrasting irrigation regimes
14. Stem profile of red oaks in a bottomland hardwood restoration plantation forest in the Arkansas Delta (USA)
15. Toros göknarı için uyumlu hacim ve gövde çapı modelleri
16. Individual Tree Structural Parameter Extraction and Volume Table Creation Based on Near-Field LiDAR Data: A Case Study in a Subtropical Planted Forest
17. Response of Douglas-fir stem profile to operational nitrogen fertilization in western Oregon
18. Global Tree Taper Modelling: A Review of Applications, Methods, Functions, and Their Parameters
19. Investigation of the compatibility taper equations of Schima superba based on nonlinear measurement errors
20. Preussner functions for volume estimation of Pinus taeda L. in Southern Brazil
21. Variable-Exponent Taper Equation Based on Multilevel Nonlinear Mixed Effect for Chinese Fir in China
22. Stem taper equations for diameter and volume predictions of Abies cilicica Carr. in the Taurus Mountains, Turkey
24. Ozolinši tüvemoodustaja matemaatiline analüüs ja modifitseerimise võimalused Hiiumaa männikute näitel
25. Tree profile equations are significantly improved when adding tree age and stocking degree: an example for Larix gmelinii in the Greater Khingan Mountains of Inner Mongolia, northeast China
26. Modelación del perfil fustal y volumen total para Pinus ayacahuite Ehren
27. Understanding the Factors Influencing Stem Form with Modelling Tools
29. Compatible taper-volume models of Quercus variabilis Blume forests in north China
30. Equações de Perfil do Tronco para Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh no Centro-sul Tocantinense
32. Developing an Improved Parameter Estimation Method for the Segmented Taper Equation through Combination of Constrained Two-Dimensional Optimum Seeking and Least Square Regression
33. Deriving Merchantable Volume in Poplar through a Localized Tapering Function from Non-Destructive Terrestrial Laser Scanning
34. A Mixed-Effects Model with Different Strategies for Modeling Volume in Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantations
35. Modelos de perfiles fustales con una estructura de error autorregresiva para plantaciones de Eucalyptus tereticornis en Colombia
36. Improving estimates of biomass change in buttressed trees using tree taper models
37. Redes neurais artificiais para estimação do volume de árvores
38. Estimation of fuel mass and its loss during a forest fire in peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
39. Sensitivity of predictions of merchantable tree height, log production, and lumber recovery to tree taper
40. Vertical Distribution of Radiation and Energy Balance Partitioning Within and Above a Lodgepole Pine Stand Recovering from a Recent Insect Attack
41. Stem taper equations for poplars growing on farmland in Sweden
42. A comparison of fixed- and mixed-effects modeling in tree growth and yield prediction of an indigenous neotropical species (Centrolobium tomentosum) in a plantation system
43. Stem biomass model for jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) in Ontario
44. Tree Form and Stem Taper
45. Equações hipsométricas, volumétricas e de taper para onze espécies nativas
46. A set of models for individual tree merchantable volume prediction for Pinus pinaster Aiton in central inland of Portugal
47. Applying wavelet-based functional approach in modelling tree taper
48. What factors influence the stem taper of Eucalyptus: growth, environmental conditions, or genetics?
49. Taper functions for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) in Northern Britain
50. A system for calculating the merchantable volume of oak trees in the northwest of the state of Chihuahua, Mexico
51. Modelación del volumen fustal de Pinus durangensis en Guachochi, Chihuahua, México
52. Stem taper functions for
Abies nordmanniana
in Turkey
53. Comparison of formulae for estimating tree bole volumes of
Pinus sylvestris
54. Influência do espaçamento inicial sobre a forma do fuste de árvores de Pinus taeda L.
55. Compatible stem volume and taper equations for Brutian pine, Cedar of Lebanon, and Cilicica fir in Turkey
56. Fitting a taper function to minimize the sum of absolute deviations
57. Stem taper functions for maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) in Galicia (Northwestern Spain)
58. Compatible taper and volume equations for yellow-poplar in West Virginia
59. Um modelo alternativo para a quantificação de multiprodutos em árvores individuais
60. Variable-exponent taper equations for jack pine, black spruce, and balsam fir in eastern Canada
61. Modeling stem taper of three central Oregon species using nonlinear mixed effects models and autoregressive error structures
62. An application of mixed effects analysis to modeling thinning effects on stem profile of loblolly pine
63. Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Einheitsschaftmodells für die BaumartCunninghamia lanceolata
65. Biomass inventory with tree taper equations
66. Fitting Taper Equations from Standing Trees